Skilled Editors
We can edit the most demanding footage with our powerful custom built
computers that are specially designed and adapted to handle 4K, 6K and 8K
footage with ease. Do you have your own footage that needs editing?
Our experienced editors can have your project edited and back to you within
48 hours depending on the package you choose. See our pricing list
below for more information.
Special FX
We can add special FX to your final project bringing it
even more to life and giving it that unique stand-out factor.
Check out our example video on the right and get in touch
Short Films
Feature Films
Music Videos
Below are a list of packages we offer. Simply choose your package, click book now and proceed to the checkout. Once your booking has been placed one of our friendly representatives will email you to request your footage that you can send to us either by Wetransfer, Dropbox or Google drive. Alternatively get in touch with us today by either calling or emailing us with any queries you may have.
Our Services
3 hr
250 British pounds7 hr
400 British pounds12 hr
650 British pounds