Here at Crafting Visual, we are passionate about community development and empowering the youth through arts and craft such as acting and film making. Many young people we have worked with come from underprivileged backgrounds where opportunities are limited and we believe in giving back to those young people that may not often get the opportunity to learn about film making or even have the chance to make a film either infront of or behind the camera. One of our core focuses is to develop a youth programme in different communities all across London that will help deter at risk young people from going down the wrong path and by engaging in creative learning through shared expierences, building confidence and character through the arts we believe this is possible.
Over the years we have worked with a number of major organisations and charities to help uplift young people through acting and film making. This in turn has seen a number of young people obtain new skills, build healthy relationships with their peers, increase confidence and social skills and help keep disadvanteged and at risk young people on the right path. Below are a number of different film projects that where divised, written and filmed entirely by the young people invovled and addresses issues that impact these young people and their communities everyday.
The Bag; is a short film made by the young people from the community of Hackney in conjuction with Makin It Happen (MIH) who promote anti gang and violence in hackney, london, united kingdom and around the world.

Rumours is a short film made with young people from
the Dalston community in Hackney and funded by Ele

No joke is a short film made by the young people from the community of Hackney in conjuction with Makin It Happen (MIH) who promote anti gang and voilence in hackney, london, united kingdom and around the world.

Our lead facilitator is a university graduate in social science, community development and youth work and has many years of expierence working in the field with young people. If you are an organisation that work with young people and are interested in some of the work we do and services we offer to help support, engage and develop young people into pillars of their communities then please get in touch using our form below. We would be happy to disccuss different ways in which our creative acting and filmaking workshops can ensure young people have access to otherwise out of reach oppertunities such as learning how to devise and shoot a film, act and script writing which in turn build confidence and character among young people.