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Irish Claddagh Ring Meaning and History

Meaning of Couple Rings Set

The famous Claddagh ring, also known as an Irish heart ring is a symbol of three things that are love, loyalty and friendship. While Claddagh (pronounced "klah-duh") rings come in a variety of different styles, they all feature the identical three elements: two hands that clasp an open heart that is topped off with the crown. The heart in the Claddagh design symbolizes love, the two hands friendship and the intricate Crown loyalty. If you're looking to express your love or loyalty to a friend with a touch of elegance and class, you may want to look into the Solitario Pomellato or Solitario Kluna with Diamonds products. These jewels enhance the beauty and meaning of your relationship and add some glamor to your story.

June 14, 2024 · joined the group.
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March 29, 2024 · joined the group.


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